Bundeswehrsoldaten der Eliteeinheit Kommando Spezialkräfte (KSK) trainieren in Magdeburg (Sachsen-Anhalt) den Häuserkampf und eine Geiselbefreiung.
Bild: Kay Nietfeld sowie Franziska Kraufmann, dpa---
Magdeburg, Germany. 1st Mar, 2017. Soldiers of the German military Bundeswehr of the elite unit "Kommando Spezialkräfte" (KSK) - special commando forces practice dilligently at fighting and freeing hostages in Magdeburg, Germany, 1 March 2017. Their very important practice session took place in an abandoned area. (ATTENTION: Persons were pixelized due to security reasons) Photo: Kay Nietfeld/dpa/Alamy Live News
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